About Me

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Hello from China!
Here is qtqt_Eric_Chiu.
I'm not a coder.

However, there're some documents stored here.

For my Kustom work, you can get the Privacy Policy.
Terms and Conditions will provide you with the usage agreement applicable to my Kustom work.
However, it should be noted that my Kustom work is only released in People's Republic of China. Please abide by local laws and regulations when using it outside P.R.C.. The preceding document is available in Simplified Chinese only.

For my EBook work, you can read Convention for what you can do, should do and not to do with my work. If you intend to reprint my work, you should also read this article.
Supported Applications will provide you with a list of eBooks reading applications that have passed the test and are available or unsupported.
Similarly, both the works and the above documents are available in Simplified Chinese only. All content should not be used in countries and regions that do not support it.

Please note that nothing mentioned herein is for profit and is for learning purposes only. It is for personal and non-commercial use.


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in Simplified Chinese

in Simplified Chinese


We respect intellectual property rights. If you think that my work infringes your copyright, please contact the above external mail, we will reply as soon as possible.



りんごかげき | 我和这家伙推的偶像是宇宙世界第一可爱的 01
Valaxy v0.14.35 驱动 | 主题 - Yun v0.14.35